Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What was John thinking when Andrew wasn't?

I just had to post this! It looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed... I must admit I've never seen the website John refers to (neither Google Cache nor WayBack provide a link).
He forgot one thing though. With all the ranting going around, John forgot that he is actually providing free traffic and PageRank from a 6/10 website to a minuscule 1999-style blog as he wrote. Bad move #1!

On the other hand, Andrew at received free traffic and a mega link from a money making baron. And what did he do? Take the website down for complete re-construction. Bad move #2!

Seems like this person didn't appreciate the "lovely" review from JohnChow. If I were Andrew, I'd make a million dollar homepage instead of a poor "to do" notification. Make bad publicity into good advertising campaign. Come to think of it, he'd definitely gain some Agloco points.

Well my blog isn't that bad I guess, since I dare to post things like this, the only stuff that's not mine on this blog are the images, for which I give a damn good credit with links and quotes.

1 comment:

simon said...

Great post, I had some of the same points in my post which you can check out at

Great blog
