I know, I know, I haven't posted for some days. I apologise for that, I considered in taking a day off and some days for studying (better said "quarantined"). 3 "examination months" left, 3 exams to go. Epidemiology was a breeze, thanks to the lovely two girls that helped me study! 7/10 isn't a bad grade, considering the fact that I was revising for 4 days and secondly,

I faced the professor first from the group. It's all about rhetoric to present your answer effectively and in several few minutes.
Quite the opposite of "
το λακονίζειν εστί φιλοσοφείν" (to lakonizin esti filosofin; keeping it short/simple is a way of wisdom), which I've learned in Cypriot schools - keep it short and concise, spare us the beautiful adjectives.
There is so much to learn... and I intend to learn it!
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